Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me?

"It takes a long time to grow young."--Pablo Picasso

Okay, I’m 38 years old. I remember being 13 and thinking, “Eww, 30-somethings are so old!” But, here I am and I feel like I’m still growing as a person. Does that ever stop? At this point, I don’t think so. Now, I look at 13 year olds and think, “Aww, they’re so young!” I often feel so sad when I hear of a twenty something on the news losing their life, thinking, “Wow, he’s still a baby!” I guess that makes Justin Bieber a zygote to me.
Well, being from Guam and knowing that they are one day ahead, I’ve had the blessings of birthday well-wishers for two days straight, and I love it. It’s amazing how a simple greeting from someone on your Facebook wall can make you smile, especially if it’s from someone on your list you deemed dormant since you and he or she have not made any contact aside from being on each other’s list. I’ve spent the last day and a half thanking each person with a comment.
So, I have much to be thankful for as I venture into my 38th year. Wonderful children who keep me on my toes, a supporting thoughtful husband who works hard for our family and a great circle of family and friends.

Below (My father, Tedy Gamboa Chargualaf and a 3 year old me! Circa Asan, Guam 1977).

The one thing I miss on my birthday is my dad. He died five years ago this month. I could always depend on a thoughtful card signed in his beautiful handwriting. He was always good about remembering people on their birthdays, especially his children and his god children. That is something I hold true in my life. The year before I got married, I asked my dad if he thought throwing a Power Puff Girl party was a good idea (my favorite cartoon then). It was for my 29th birthday. He excitedly said, "Yeah! And let's get a jumpy house!" So, we did. And we had a pinata for the kids and adults and a ton of food, family and friends. It was a blast! So, with my father and my memories of him fresh in my head today, thanks everyone for making another birthday wonderful.

Oh, and I’m excited to say that I will have another appearance in the University of Guam’s Storyboard 12. (I have poetry in Storyboard 6 and two short stories in Storyboard 11).

Receiving the e-mail from the editor late last night was a welcomed birthday gift. “Reach” is a short story I wrote about my mom and her journey from South Korea to Guam. I will be featured with 27 other artists/writers selected by blind review from over 180 entries. For that, I’m proud and excited! Biba Chamorro Writing!


  1. Biba Kompliaños! My mind cannot process that you are 38 sa kalan hoben hao! ;o) Also happy to see we're storyboardin' together again. Wishing you two were home to talk amazing things with more and more every day. Biba hagu!

  2. Si Yu'os Ma'ase, "displayname"! Thanks for the twitter clarification! The hubby and I were playing guess which relative this is. :) I was on the correct tree by the way. :) Thanks for reading here and happy we're storyboardin' again! Just wish I was on island to participate in the fun.


A Story of a Stolen Mermaid--(and the Infringement of an Artist)

Fact: I wrote Sirena: A Mermaid Legend from Guam in 2010. Fact: My brother, Sonny Chargualaf is the talented artist behind the imagery. ...