Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy 71st Birthday, Bruce Lee...Day 27 of NaBloPoMo.

“As you think, so shall you become.” –Bruce Lee

I must admit, I love me some Bruce Lee. He’s been my ultimate role model since I was a kid. My father is to blame, having Bruce Lee movies on in the house every weekend. By college, I had the entire movie collection on VHS, a few years later, everything on DVD. Blu-Ray? Someday. I have numerous books and even Pogs! Remember those?

I’ve analyzed my fixation on Bruce Lee, his son, Brandon Lee too, many times before—several college papers on the topic. It could be our Asian connection, my love for martial arts and the way Bruce Lee embodied a strict, disciplined mind and body that I still strive for.

This time last year, I was in San Francisco with my family. The eight hour drive was worth it, knowing I would be in the city Bruce Lee was born, 70 years prior. I got my first tattoo (tiger-designed by my brother, latte stones in a sling stone-shaped like our Guam seal-added by me) a few streets off China Town. I was amazed that my tattoo artist and others I spoke with loved Bruce Lee, but didn’t realize that it was 1) his birthday and 2) his birth city.

Nonetheless, I admire Bruce Lee. He would have been 71 today. I’m sure he would have looked exactly the same and have the same fire in his eyes. He may have had a few more movies under his belt, but would NOT have been a Hollywood sell out. I follow his Facebook site, run by his daughter, Shannon and it was a nice reminder post from her that her great father was born today.

So, to Bruce Lee. Happy Birthday!



  1. I love Bruce Lee and thanks for the note that today is his birthday. I don't know, but I'm not sure he would have stuck around Hollywood for very long and I think that because I think he had an integrity that he wouldn't have compromised just to make movies. "Don't think, feel. It is like a finger pointing a way to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory." I found your blog through Blogher.

  2. Thanks for your thoughts, "michaelsfishbowl". :) I agree that he would have hated Hollywood. Wish he was still around.

  3. Hey, interesting fact about two of your favorite icons, Wonder Woman and Bruce Lee...

    Wonder Woman's creator, William Marston, was against senseless violence. Everytime Wonder Woman fought someone it was for a specific reason and only as a last resort.

    Bruce Lee had a similar philosophy and portrayed it in his films!


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Fact: I wrote Sirena: A Mermaid Legend from Guam in 2010. Fact: My brother, Sonny Chargualaf is the talented artist behind the imagery. ...